As a church, we invite children of all ages to be a part of the growing, thriving ministry of our church.

    With spaces for newborns and toddlers in our nursery and classes for preschoolers and elementary school every Sunday morning, we welcome your entire family to take part in learning and growing towards Christ as a part of our faith-community.

    Beginning on Sunday, September 13, the Children's Ministry partially resumes its operations,

    Nursery, Pre-K, and Lower Elementary Classes classes will be offered during

    the Sunday Worship Service at 11:00 am.


      Our nursery ministry workers provide care and activities for children ages 0 to 2 on Sunday morning during the service. 

      Angie Oswalt is the head of our Nursery Team. We minister to our youngest members, and we strive to make it a safe, fun, and loving place for them. Each worker has had background checks and has been approved to provide the best care for your child.

      The nursery is located downstairs in the brick building, the classrooms face the parking lot.

      children's church

      Crossview encourages parents of children 3 to 12 years old to allow our loving teachers the opportunity to minister to their children during our Worship Service. We have classes just for them:

      • Pre-School: For children 3 and 4 years old.
      • Lower Elementary: From kindergarten through 3rd grade.
      • Upper Elementary: From 4th to 5th grade.

      We strive to aid parents in additional training through prayer, songs, and practical application of Bible truths.

      Dean Timmerman leads our children's ministry and all the special events with the assistance of more than 10 volunteers.

      teacher & parents resources

      • nursery


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      • children's church


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      become a volunteer

      Thank you for your interest in serving the little ones at Crossview!

      Please fill out the Volunteer Interest Form and complete the Background Check.

      For the safety of our children, we do background checks. Click here to fill it out. We do not receive any of your personal information. The background check is done through an external source ( The company will only indicate if there is a reason for concern.

      After this, our Nursery and Children's Ministry coordinators will be contacting you shortly.